Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A memorable Christmas of mine !

Last year, my christmas was a memorable one. Like every year, my family will always go to my aunt's place to spend our christmas there. All the other aunts and uncles will also celebrate with us together. It is like a family gathering, where we all come together to wish each other. =D I recieved alot of presents too ! I got alot of cousins and they are all working, thus they gave me presents and i liked them alot ! They were sooo sweet. The feeling that i felt when we gathered together was very heartwarming as we all sat together to eat the delicious food that my mother and aunts had cooked. And the whole bunch of us, around more than 15 people were playing, talking and doing many other exciting and fun things. The christmas tree was glowing, table full of food and the clock was ticking. Nearing midnight, we will then sit in the living room preparing for the countdown ! After the countdown, we cheered and resumed what we were doing. The atmosphere was high! =) When it was later, all of us were tired, so we went home. I was kind of reluctant as it was a marvellous night although it was just like a normal family gathering we had usually.

Done by :
Ng Hui Mei (Lisa)

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